No more doom-scrolling through job postings.

In your search for purpose, this defeats the purpose.

Think about it: How can you expect to find your dream job without being in the practice of listening to yourself? I mean really listening.

Easier said than done when you feel trapped between the overwhelm of starting from scratch and the discomfort of staying the course in the job you’re in now. That’s where I come in.

Up until now, your brainpower has served goals that aren’t fully yours. That’s why “success” hasn’t actually felt successful (and why the journey doesn’t feel so great either).

You deserve more than someone else’s definition of “success.”

Capitalism teaches us that our work tells us who we are, and so our professional lives are often where our personal sh!t plays out.

So that’s my way in. Our work together begins by dismantling the shoulds in the realm of your career. In your search for purpose, fulfillment and impact, work is a should minefield.

Traditional career coaching tends to focus on the control-ables without addressing harm that’s occurred around the premise of control itself, harm that’s occurred toward our self-concept, self-awareness, self-trust and self-worth.

Our individual and collective relationship to work and productivity needs healing.

The oppressive systems we live under peddle a narrow definition of success that rings false for so many of us. Over the years it has demanded you put your self to the side so you can be like everyone else…but better.

My approach to career coaching acknowledges this experience. First we set down the heavy load you’re carrying, drop the facade, and bring the Self back online and to the forefront.

“I don’t know” is a great place to start our work together.

The system wants you to feel adrift and overwhelmed, trapped between the overwhelm of starting from scratch and the discomfort of staying the course in what you’re doing now. What do I really want? How do I even make that happen?

But “I don’t know” is an invitation. The phrase, in itself, is an answer to important questions you’ve dared to ask. It’s a sign that it’s time to explore, and all you need is the first next step to begin to chart a new course.

And you don’t need to go it alone. With me as your coach, you’ll have a confidant who is a practical, analytical and detail-oriented planner-in-chief who also holds space for what can’t be explained but is nonetheless known and felt.

My methodology


De-couple self-concept from your work. Slow down, quiet the noise, and listen to what emerges. To listen to your inner voice, you have to hear it first.


Turn up the volume on your voice. (Re)connect with yourself, your truth, your gifts, your values.

Part homecoming, part pioneer’s journey.

Intentional action

Step by step, reintegrate your self-concept and your work. You don’t need to have it all figured out. Take the first next step that honors who you are, where you are.

This is a cyclical practice, not a three-step solution. We’re building new habits here!

This work is a practice – not because you’ll never get good at it, but because there are layers to this onion. From where you are today, you have access to the top layer and perhaps hints of the next one. The ones that follow are revealed when you shed those above them. You can’t peel the fourth one while leaving the second one intact.

You don’t need to have it all figured out before you start (none of us do!). Together we’ll build a foundation that’s true to you and therefore built to last. Then, to establish your unique practice, we hone skills, gather tools, and establish new ways of thinking and being, which you get to keep in your arsenal moving forward, always.

We will:

Address conditioning that equates your work with your worth.

Disprove the notion that worthy work needs to be hard.

Examine your relationship to your work – its current state, how it could be different, and how you actually want it to be.

Reconnect to yourself and build self-trust to guide you forward.

Reframe the fear standing in the way of the fulfillment and purpose you’ve worked so hard for and deserve.

We will not:

Formulate the perfect plan to have it all figured out right now.

Give airtime to your qualifications. Coaching is not a credential.

Pore over your resume and cover letter.

Play the game of marketing yourself “better” or being “more strategic” in your job search.

What’s waiting for you:

  • You do so much. This is a space to just be.

    Tend to your fundamental needs. Press pause on external pressures.

  • New ways of thinking about your potential, purpose, and responsibility.

    New appreciation of your unique gifts, apart from your qualifications.

  • Define what fulfillment really means to you.

    Transparency around limiting beliefs and fears holding you back so you can reclaim your agency.

  • Practice putting shoulds on a shelf, embracing the true you, and believing your inherent value.

    Conviction and confidence to take an inspired next step.

  • Tools to address burnout.

    Practices to shift limiting beliefs.

    Skills to reliably tap into your inner knowing so you can channel that power source toward your aspirations.

I’m Emily Pantel. (she/her)

Like you, I’m more than my resume (check it out on LinkedIn).

For 10 years I’ve coached individuals on leadership and personal development, including as an internal coach at lululemon, a People & Culture specialist, and a training facilitator. My approach is informed by training from the Co-Active Training Institute and my designation as a Love + Work Leader from the Harvard Business Review & Marcus Buckingham.

I hold a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar College, an institution founded on the power of challenging the status quo. I am also a violinist and have conducted orchestras across New York State. I believe a conductor’s power lies in her ability to help others express theirs, much like my role as a coach.

What you’re searching for is waiting for you, lovingly and patiently. It’s already within you, waiting to be shared.

It observes your anxiety, efforts to exert control, and urgency with a knowing smile because there’s no way you could miss your boat or fall behind.

Your point A is unique. Your point B is unique. Your path from A to B will be unique, too.

It all begins with a free intro call to hone in on the support that fits your needs. Following our conversation, I’ll propose a personalized package tailored to you.

The particulars:

What’s included:

Next steps:

Submit an inquiry form via the button below. I’ll reach out to you within 24 business hours about next steps.

We meet for a free intro call to review your responses, address any questions you may have, and hone in on what level of support suits your goals. I will not ask you to commit on this call, so you can take time to consider offline.

I’ll send you a personalized proposal within 24 business hours that aligns with what we talked about.

Words from my clients:

“[The program] allowed me to see myself as someone on a journey, or a search, rather than being lost, or a failure. …Emily creates an incredible environment, where being able to say ‘I'm not sure’ or ‘I don't want to share’ is 100% okay.”

– Maria

“Emily [is] the absolute best listener I've ever met and brought such a calming and open presence to all of our calls.”

– Alexis

“Your coaching questions got straight to the heart of what was coming up for me. It was so helpful to have that mirrored back to me in the way you phrased everything.”

– L.

“I feel like these sessions are tailored specifically for me. That’s how good they are.“

– S.

Behind the search for meaningful work is the pursuit of a meaningful life.

You are not your work. You are so much more. The shift unfolding collectively isn’t just about work. It’s about life itself: our quality of life, how we want to spend it, and what we’re no longer willing to tolerate at its expense.

Enough already. You are enough – already.